
Discussion in 'OT Graveyard' started by Ranger, May 6, 2011.

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  1. Ranger

    Ranger Warrior

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  2. MSP

    MSP Haunting a dead forum...

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    This is a bad situation. A big percentage of the people living in homes right now can't afford them. We let them fall on their face, which is my gut inclination, and suddenly the number of empty homes will skyrocket and the value of our homes will plunge. What we need is a time machine to go back and stop Clinton from doing this to us. Bad credit, no money? Yeah, you can't afford a fucking house! Liberalism and the ultimate consequences, let's learn our lesson and move on.
  3. ThatHideousStrength

    ThatHideousStrength Junior Member

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    I wonder if Sallie Mae is in the same boat. I should just default on my loans, the rest of America is doing it too.
  4. ShabazKillaX

    ShabazKillaX I'm an F18 bro

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    Tampa, FL
    It was more Greenspan and his encouraging banks to offer non-traditional home loans. While I see some logic in his reasoning (most people don't payoff a mortgage - they either move or refinance), the advantages of ARM/balloon loans are all dependent on the economy continuing to grow, or at the least not experience a downturn.
  5. Torx

    Torx Indigenous Nudist

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    the hackers should be targeting sallie mae instead of fuckin sony, sheesh.. figure out a way to wipe out all information.
    like at the end of fight club.

    i seriously doubt us "students" will ever get a break from our loans.
    my outstanding loan amount is 36k, and according to the "maturity" date(which will be when im in my 60's) i'll have paid a total of 80k

    i feel sorry for the kids that got over 100k in outstanding loans by going to a 4+yr college, in the end they'll have paid over $150k, THAT IF they pay it off before theyre dead.
    its bullshit.

    instead of teaching kids foreign language, they should be mandating a class in high school on how to manage your money when you EXIT out of high school.
    teach these kids to make the right decision for themselves.. alot of kids dont have the proper parenting and parents to explain how this system works, so they need to be taught at a young age.
    but you know WHY most high schools dont have such a class? it would be taking money away from the colleges and private loans companies LIKE sallie mae.
    dont just teach these kids to save, most dont save or care to save.. BUT RATHER illustrate and explain to them the repercussions of making large financial decisions like signing off for a loan or two... opening credit cards, etc etc.
    if you default on your loan, your cosigner takes the brunt of it. sallie mae/private loan company will sue the fuck out of you and take whatever assets your cosigner has for repayment.. someone will lose their house because you defaulted, its that fucked up.
    not to mention, your credit and financial future is ruined forever.

    alot of people my age are making another huge mistake.
    going back to school because they cant afford their current payment.. when you go back to school, your loan payments halt, so they think they can catch a break while they bullshit in another study for 2 more years.
    racking up even MORE debt in hopes they'll have a better chance to get a high paying job than before.. when in reality, they wont.
  6. Octane91

    Octane91 <smartass comment> Staff Member

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    Petaluma, CA
    I was required to take a 2 semester (full year) money management class my senior year...
  7. Torx

    Torx Indigenous Nudist

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    in high school?

    oh good, whew! at least the kids now have a chance to make good decisions coming out of high school.
    most of everyone i know jumped into college, or jumped into a new car, or jumped into massive credit card debt.
  8. Octane91

    Octane91 <smartass comment> Staff Member

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    Petaluma, CA
    Yea, in high school. I can say I learned some things

    1) No or little student loans
    1) Little credit card debt at a time
    1) 2008 fucked us all
  9. mistawiskas

    mistawiskas kik n a and takin names

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    Rogue Valley Oregon
    It's only tax dollars.
    As long as you're willing to give it, they're willing to take it.
  10. Goofus Maximus

    Goofus Maximus Too old to be this dumb!

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    St. Louis area, but in Illinois
  11. mistawiskas

    mistawiskas kik n a and takin names

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    Rogue Valley Oregon
    But there is no conspiracy!
  12. Torx

    Torx Indigenous Nudist

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  13. mistawiskas

    mistawiskas kik n a and takin names

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    Rogue Valley Oregon
  14. Torx

    Torx Indigenous Nudist

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  15. ivanolo

    ivanolo Guest

    Remember there was a Republican majority when Clinton signed the Gramm-Leach-Billey Act and repealed Glass-Steagall. Bush would've done the same thing. There was a lot of lobbying to pass this shit no matter what. The Democrats insisted on strengthening the Community Reinvestment Act to support the bill, and the Republicans went with it. In the end, both parties are at fault for getting us into this mess.

    Banks would rather have some of your money than none of it. They don't really care if you can't pay back in full. They'll take your bad debt and sell it as good debt while betting against it. If that doesn't work, they'll ask the government to bail them out using money from the taxpayers.
  16. mistawiskas

    mistawiskas kik n a and takin names

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    Rogue Valley Oregon
    But, there is no conspiracy :wink:
  17. ivanolo

    ivanolo Guest

    There's no conspiracy. These dudes are simply thirsty for money and power. Greed is part of human nature, and American culture reveres it. These guys are not scheming to purposefully fuck you over, they're scheming to make themselves some money and get more powerful. Is it morally reprehensible? No doubt. Is it unfair? Most definitely. However, I'm sure most of us would probably act the same way if we found ourselves in their position.

    There's no conspiracy. You rolled the dice. Accept your lot in life.
  18. Goofus Maximus

    Goofus Maximus Too old to be this dumb!

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    St. Louis area, but in Illinois
    Very well. I shall accept my lot in life. My lot in life is to bring down the rich and powerful, and become rich and powerful in their stead! :D
  19. ivanolo

    ivanolo Guest

    My comment was meant to say, "you reap what you sow." Don't complain about the system when it is you who has made poor choices.
  20. Goofus Maximus

    Goofus Maximus Too old to be this dumb!

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    St. Louis area, but in Illinois
    I have only partial sympathy for that argument. The truth is, we reap what we sow, and what many people outside our influence or control sow, as well. When what those folks do affect us, we have a natural tendency to grouse about it. :)
  21. mistawiskas

    mistawiskas kik n a and takin names

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    Rogue Valley Oregon
    You are more ignorant naive than I thought. Live 30 more years then you'll earn the right to comment on some actual life and have the opportunity to get the fuck over yourself.
  22. ivanolo

    ivanolo Guest

    You're disregarding my comments based on my age? That's like saying you can't talk about politics until you run for president.

    You've told us about how you abused alcohol and drugs when you were younger. Tell me, was that the system's fault?

    Look at tex. He's about my age and seems to have gotten further in life than me. I got expelled from high school, had to get a GED, and have not put nearly enough effort in completing college. Whose fault is that, the system's?

    Get over myself? Why, because I point out uncomfortable truths? It's not like I'm unaware of my own shortcomings.
  23. MSP

    MSP Haunting a dead forum...

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  24. Goofus Maximus

    Goofus Maximus Too old to be this dumb!

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    St. Louis area, but in Illinois
    That would make a great team fortress 2 hat!

    I'm with Whiskas on this. It isn't just what YOU sow that you end up reaping. When you have people visiting your fields while you sleep, sowing chickweed, or some such crop weed, or when mother nature throws aphids and weevils at your field, it's not exactly you that made the poor choices.

    His age discrimination is valid in this case, since experience accumulates with it, whether you want it or not! :)
  25. MSP

    MSP Haunting a dead forum...

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    Well, to play devil's advocate, Wiskas was probably sowing a lot of shit in the fields after hours that he doesn't remember. "Hey, who buried this dead hooker in my bean patch? God damn government..." :D
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