How to use a Myspace tracker to identify your site's visitors and stalkers

Discussion in 'Reviews and Articles' started by tweakmonkey, Mar 20, 2007.

  1. tweakmonkey

    tweakmonkey Webmaster Staff Member

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    [align=left][gars_ad]null[/gars_ad][/align]... because if you don't, someone else will

    Want to know who's reading your Myspace? In a few minutes you'll be able to determine not only who is reading your Myspace, but at what times and how often. This sort of information is priceless in a time when cyber-stalkers are in no shortage and your privacy is constantly in danger. Maybe you just want to know if that special someone is thinking about you, or if your friends are noticing your new picture. Whatever the case, we'll help you out.

    Realizing that a lot of people use Myspace, I wrote this article with the intentions that it'd be as basic as possible. The topics and instructions I've outlined here are simplified so anyone can follow them, but if you have problems please check the forums before asking me.

    What is a Myspace tracker, are they real, and do they work?
    A Myspace tracker simply lets you see who has visited your Myspace page. Yes, they are real. I've reviewed two of them now. Some cost money, some are free. They work by adding a picture to your Profile, so when someone views your page the image's server tracks some information about that person and displays it for you later. Most trackers have a separate page that is used to let you login and view who's been on your page without even opening

    Why use a Myspace tracker?
    That's a good question. The reason to use a Myspace tracker is to give you statistics on who's visiting your Myspace page, how many times that person visited your page, where they're from, and ultimately who they are. Who they are is the last part of the process and sometimes takes a little technique, which is what this article is about. There's an edge to knowing everyone who visited your Myspace page during a given day, like maybe some girl you've been messaging trying to impress or maybe you think someone's a cyber-stalker.

    There's another benefit: some trackers allow you, once configured, to block others from seeing that you visited your site. Think of it like a condom for your privacy.

    How to set one up:
    This time around, we used Trakzor, a completely free tracker (at this time). You must sign up to use this but it only requires an e-mail address and password to access your account.
    - Go here to register: Trakzor MySpace Tracker Registration Page
    - Once registered, login: Trakzor MySpace Tracker Registration Page

    Before you do anything else, you must add the code to your Myspace page so you can begin tracking others. Click "Profile Code" near the top, and it will give you some code, something like this:
    Now to be honest, you don't need all of that. It's simply trying to pimp some more pages and will also help others detect your tracker faster. If you remove the lines after the first </a> (i.e. Everything after the tracker) it will still function perfectly. You could also hide the image by dropping its width and height to 1, but that'd be rude and sneaky... If these things are too hard for you, simply paste the code given to you as is.

    Tracking people:
    Copy the code given to you (right click, Copy) and paste it (right click, Paste) into your Myspace page by clicking Edit Profile when you first login. You can put it anywhere, but About Me: is the typical section. Save all changes. Now the fun begins.


    After a few hours or so of having the code installed, head back on the Trakzor page and click Check Visitors. If you don't have any visits yet, wait a day or so then come back to this page because it should be tracking by now. You'll notice there are sorting options to the left. If someone visited your page, they will show up on a list, stating what time, frequency, and location they visited from. You can't identify everyone yet, but we'll cover that later. While you're here, check Privacy Settings if you want to hide yourself to others who have this tracker. You can also set up notifications if you're paranoid to be notified when anyone even visits your Myspace page.

    Identifying the Visitors
    If someone comments on your your page often, they will probably be very easy to identify, but most will show up as a color/number combination, such as "Non-Trakzor User Green 191", only giving you a time and location. If they're not an unblocked Trakzor user, their picture will already show up. Otherwise you need to do more research.


    Check the times that new comments, messages, and image comments were added to your Myspace page. Any timestamped areas like Inbox, Friend Requests and Comments will give you great clues. The timestamped can simply be compared to those in Trakzor. If they match or are close, and no other users were around, you can be fairly certain you've found the person, so click Identify Them in Trakzor. If you're unsure, put the possible suggestions in for now ("Tom or Amy or Jane") until you're more sure.

    This may sound sinister, but another good way to acquire their identity in your tracker would be to visit your Myspace page from their computer, or AIM/IM them telling them to check your page on their own. You'll see a new anonymous listing with a time on your Trakzor page, so you can easily identify them using the Identify User button (on the right, as pictured above).


    If you're very sure that you know who the person is by comparing the times, tell Trakzor their Myspace ID, and it will always show their Myspace link and default picture when they visit your page in the future. The Myspace ID can be found by right-clicking a user's profile or picture in your page, and choosing Copy Shortcut. If you paste this into the Visitor Identification Form (pictured above), simply remove everything before the = sign at the end of the link, and the = sign itself. This should leave you with a unique 5-9 digit number or so, their Myspace Friend ID.


    That's about it
    Thanks for reading and have fun tracking everyone on your page. Please don't shoot the messenger.

  2. KevinJones

    KevinJones Guest


    Having a stalker is good, right?
  3. Chris

    Chris Raptor Jesus

    Trophy Points:
    New Jersey
    Good job, Tweakmonkey :D
  4. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Nice one bro
  5. It's kind of annoying how they <i>force</i> you to send a bulletin and put a picture on your profile.
  6. tweakmonkey

    tweakmonkey Webmaster Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    I just logged out of Myspace before I did that...
  7. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I didn't send any bulletin...

    They have no way of tracking whether or not you truely send the bulletin. Just erase.... and go back to the page wait a few seconds and activate.

    Actually this one is not worth much. you have to teach it. Sort of defeats the purpose doesn't it?

    I used the one at but I tweeked the code. I replaced the image address with a period (.) Pretty slick!

  8. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    PPl with no myspace profile

    How wud u know who they are, if someone who doesn't have a myspace profile or has one but logs off before coming into your profile.

    Does the tracker have anyway to figure that out :S ???
  9. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Hey guys,

    There's another myspace tracker at createblog. You can check out the demo and see for yourself. Plus it tracks more than just myspace - hi5, friendster, etc...
  10. tweakmonkey

    tweakmonkey Webmaster Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    I'm testing this one now. I noticed the embed code for the image adds a lot of ugly crap to it.

    The code looked like:
    The part in bold is all you need, like:
    <img src="" height="1" width="1">

    I'll report back my findings here.
  11. tweakmonkey

    tweakmonkey Webmaster Staff Member

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    From what I can see, the only other things this tracker above offers is a graphical display of pageviews per day and it tells which page on your profile the code was entered. So I think It's not much better, but it's another option if the one I mentioned fails.
  12. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    activating tracker

    There are a few steps a few steps before activating your tracker. The "send your friends a bulletin" step is a concern. I don't want a few friends to be alerted of it....are there any options other than deleting your friends? Help.
  13. tweakmonkey

    tweakmonkey Webmaster Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Completely log out of Myspace first.
    Then login to the tracker program.
    Then click the button.
    It will forward to Myspace, and try to login. Do not login -- instead close the window. Your activation will work but the bulletin won't be posted.

    And if it does post a bulletin, for whatever reason, just delete it immediately.
  14. chapel

    chapel Jolly Bolly Fo-Folly Staff Member

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    It allows you to post whatever you want in the bulletin, so there really are no concerns. You can probably do what tweakmonkey recommended and get away with it, otherwise just put what you want in the bulletin and call it a day.
  15. msm143

    msm143 Guest

    what if??!

    What if your page is set to private and someone you know is getting on your page stilll that you do not want having access to it??? An you have already have taken numerous steps in blocking this ability such as... changing my password, removing the same friends to keep access not available. If I have a tracker will it allow me to view someone getting onto my account??? This I feel is an invasion of privacy and to be honest a little scary because this person is going through great links to see what I am doing!!!!!!
  16. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest


    how do you take off the tracking symbol on the profile page... everyone will know what i'm up too....?
  17. richardnorgah

    richardnorgah New Member

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    weired, by this tracking never works for me.maybe my layout is too moded
  18. tweakmonkey

    tweakmonkey Webmaster Staff Member

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    If your page is set to private, only people on your friends list can access it. If you remove them from your friends, they cannot access the page. Simple as that.
  19. tweakmonkey

    tweakmonkey Webmaster Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    As described in the article, simply add to the image width="1" height="1"

    Read the post above by me, a few messages up where I wrote:
  20. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    blocked list

    Hi Tweakmonkey, :) If you add people on your blocked list and they have trakzor can they see you view their profile and visa versa? Also, the last few days they have been having issues with the SQL code so when you login there is an error message. I know some DBA's would be looking for another job by now in some corporations. :-(
  21. Drutort

    Drutort Guest

    What about placing or using say your default image, i have seen people who place even a full image on the private page... im not sure how that is moded but it seems possible? if so that means that people who are not logged in could be tracked even if your set on private? maybe have a different tracker set up on that page... i just never bothered to care to mod that much lol
  22. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    guy in pic on opening of site.

    Just shocked, looking for a myspace visitor tracker and the big nekkid guy as your sample in advertising at top of your page definetly from my local area. Had someone else look at the pic its him. Pretty scarey knowing a stalker lives close by. Definitely going to hook this up when I get home.
  23. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    i have questions! =)

    when i go to the map view and then to satellite - some of these hits are in the woods or in a park........ How accurate is the range of the location? Could this just be a wireless connection?? Or is there someone looking at my stuff in the park......?????!!!!!!!!!
    also curious whether lets say white111 refers to someones myspace id or just the computer they are on??
    What if they long in somewhere else, a diff comp. will white111 show up in both places visited from or just the last?
    Any info would be much appreciated! these peple are NOt leaving comments/mssg so just trying to figure it out =) Thanks =)
  24. JP-88

    JP-88 New Member

    Trophy Points:
    this is like stalking the stalker...good stuff =)

    YouTube - I NEED A WOMAN

    that's a link to some myspace stalker humor
  25. scroller

    scroller New Member

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    Trakzor is a good tracker, I really like it. Don't really see why it needs a set of instructions though, it is already easy enough. Anyways, before you waste your time signing up to trackers that don't work, find a myspace tracker that works instead.